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Z-Sort sortation machine

Warehouse Distribution Solutions Series 
Part 1: Thriving (not Surviving) Peak with Sortation Equipment and Software 


In this series, our primary focus is discovering innovative solutions that can significantly benefit your order fulfillment business, especially during peak seasons, while ensuring long-term success. And we look for ones that can do so in a way that offers more value for your bottom line with less labor, less downtime and even fewer headaches. We’re thrilled to bring you a captivating lineup of interviews and a range of engaging topics poised to be both insightful and practical. 


Specifically, eCommerce businesses often experience a surge in demand during peak seasons such as holidays, special occasions and  promotional events. These high-demand periods can lead to challenges like labor demands and shipping logistics. This series will explore how Tension’s innovative solutions can seamlessly help you navigate these challenges.


First, let’s look at sortation solutions for effective warehouse management and how Tension’s Z-Sort sortation system can boost operations. 


Sortation Machines for Warehouse Distribution Management 


Z-Sort Sortation, along with TensionConnect software, ensures packages reach their destinations accurately and efficiently. Our equipment is compact and adjustable, and can fit into small or large warehouse spaces. Its patent-pending, innovative “Z” design can be configured to the number of sortation modules right for your operations and can sort packages of nearly all sizes, shapes, and weights. 


Tension’s Z-Sort allows you to optimize the last step of your order fulfillment process when integrated into your operation by providing increased package sorting rates and improved accuracy with the barcode-driven verification system for carrier selection and class of service. This optimizes staffing requirements by automating hand-sorting operations and reduces floor space requirements. Our sophisticated, flexible design, tailor-made for warehouses, can sort anything from a small package containing lightweight cosmetics to a larger carton. 


The Importance of Software Integrations for Sorting Machines 


It is important to have software to streamline the integration of sorting machines with other equipment. Why? Sortation processes run on our proprietary TensionConnect software, allowing for ease of use, integration, and reporting. It is intuitive and adaptable and built specifically for any operational needs. It ensures all processes and solutions successfully integrate with new or existing equipment and existing software applications. 

Keep in touch with Tension Packaging & Automation for future installments of our Warehouse Distribution Solutions video podcast (vodcast) series by signing up for our eNewsletter here. You can also watch the full vodcast on our sortation solutions below.  


Contact the Experts at Tension for Sortation Solutions 

For more information, contact our team of experts for further details and information. 


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