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Sorting Machine & Manifesting System

Weigh, label, sort, record and manifest with Tension's sorting and manifesting system

Tension’s Sorting and Manifesting System (SMS) for high-volume pharmacy automation weighs, labels, sorts, records, and manifests hundreds of orders per hour. Minimal staffing is required at the entry and takeaway points on the sorting machine. Enhance high-volume processing of prescription orders with a sorting machine you can trust in your pharmacy.


When integrated into your operation, the Tension SMS sorting machine for high-volume pharmacy automation can reduce:

  • Errors
  • Staffing
  • Space requirements
  • Shipping costs

Tension’s automated sorting machine and manifesting system is a fully customized based on your central fill, mail-order, or specialty pharmacy needs. A Tension Associate will look at your overall operation and recommend the specifications to optimize your throughput. 


The SMS is the ideal solution for high-volume pharmacy automation and allows for various sizes, configurations, and unlimited package sorting to accommodate your pharmacy’s unique requirements.

Learn more about each of our automation systems.
We’ll help you determine which system will maximize
your unique pharmacy workflow.
Tension's Sorting Machine and Manifesting System (SMS) processes pharmacy orders and sorts packages for easier order fulfillment.

Pharmacy Automation Software Solutions

Provides a seamless transition for pharmacy products on the move.

This software system manages the back-end processing of prescription and non-prescription items for orders delivered from a front-end environment. Tension PharmaPATH workflow software system accepts order requests that have been
fully confirmed, ready for processing. Then, it facilitates the prescription through dispensing, pharmacist verification (PV), packaging and manifesting.